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Minutes – March 16, 2005

Minutes – March 16, 2005





March 16, 2005

2:00 P.M.




Mayor Ross called the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Laguna Woods to order at 2:00 p.m.




Councilmember Ring led the flag salute.




COUNCILMEMBERS    PRESENT:    Ring, Robbins, Bouer, Ross

ABSENT:     Hack


STAFF PRESENT:    City Manager Keane; City Attorney Biggs; Deputy City Attorney McEwen; City Clerk Condon; Assistant City Manager Reilly; Community Development Director Barr, City Engineer Nelson








Moved by Councilmember Ring, seconded by Councilmember Robbins, and carried unanimously to approve the City Proclamations 5.1 – 5.4.


5.1 Commendation – Anna Melchior – 105th Birthday


5.2 Proclamation – National Telecommunications Week – April 10-16, 2005


5.3 Proclamation – Women’s History Month – March 2005


5.4 Proclamation – National Multiple Sclerosis Walk – April 10, 2005




City Manager Keane requested item 6.1 City Council Minutes be removed from the Consent Calendar.

Moved by Councilmember Robbins, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bouer, and carried unanimously to approve Consent Calendar items 6.2 through 6.5.


6.2   Approved the reading by title of all ordinances and resolutions. Said ordinances and resolutions that appear on the public agenda shall be determined to have been read by title only and further reading waived.


6.3   Received and filed February 2005 monthly Treasurer’s Report.


6.4   Approved the March 16, 2005 Warrant Register in the amount of $361,998.65.


6.5   Approved Amendment No. 7 to Agreement No. C-0-0936, an agreement between the Orange County Transportation Authority and City of Laguna Woods, and authorized the Mayor to execute the agreement, subject to review by the City Attorney as to form.


City Manager Keane advised Council had been provided with corrections to the minutes and that Mayor Pro Tem Bouer had a change.   Mayor Pro Tem Bouer advised that under item 9.1 relating to the curbside planters, he wanted the minutes to reflect his concern that Council choose appearance over accessibility to the potential detriment of walkers. The planters were put in and are attractive but, unfortunately, some stretch out so that people walking have to walk in and around and he felt it was not our best choice in the matter.


Moved by Councilmember Ring, seconded by Councilmember Robbins, and carried unanimously to approve Consent Calendar item 6.1 as amended.








8.1   Office Space Lease: Assemblyman Chuck DeVore


City Manager Keane advised that at the last meeting Council authorized the City Manager to enter into a lease with Assemblyman Chuck DeVore’s office. The lease was to be similar to the lease signed with the Office of Fish and Game. After negotiations, it has been determined that the City is not able to enter into that type of lease.


City Attorney Biggs advised that the Assembly has rules in regards to ethics and if free space is received it is deemed a gift to the Assembly. The lease is, therefore, between the City and the Assembly rather than the Assemblyman. The issue of a “gift” makes the proposed lease different than previously authorized. The lease, as authorized, cannot be entered into and Council needs to reconsider the matter in light of the proposal from the Assembly.


Mayor Ross questioned the fair market vale of the space. City Manager Keane advised the City is not paying fair market rate, but $5 square foot is an estimate. There are other cities in California that provide space at no cost.


Councilmember Robbins mentioned that last month he was in favor of the lease to give residents accessibility to their Assemblyman. However, he is now rethinking this position.


Mayor Pro Tem Bouer advised he had a phone discussion with Assemblyman Devore. He felt the lease would represent a benefit to the City and senior citizens in the area and he would vote in favor of the lease.


Councilmember Ring advised he also received a phone call from Assemblyman DeVore. He noted the lease would provide City residents with better access to the Assembly through our Assemblyman. This would allow everybody to make their views know. He indicated he supports Assemblyman DeVore having an office at City Hall.


City Manager Keane remind Council that the lease authorized at the last meeting was for one year and could be renewed or cancelled at that time.


Councilmember Robbins indicated he would be in favor of a one-year lease.


Wendy Bucknum, PCM, advised she is the Legislative Analyst for Leisure World and supports an office at City Hall.


Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Bouer, seconded by Councilmember Ring, and carried unanimously to authorize the City Manager to execute a lease with the Assembly for one year at no cost.


8.2 Citizen Advisory Committee Appointments


City Manager Keane advised that two people were being nominated for committee appointments by Councilmember Ring.


Moved Councilmember Robbins, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bouer, and carried unanimously to appoint Loretta Sheppard (Ring) to the Community Services Committee and Herman Steiner (Ring) to the Transportation Advisory Committee.


8.3   City Council Appointments to Regional Boards and Committees


City Manager Keane offered congratulations to Councilmember Ring who was appointed to the Orange County Council of Governments as an at-large member. This is a countywide planning organization which deals with transportation and housing issues. He will be representing all Orange County cities as an at-large member. This Committee is a sub-regional group of Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG).


The City joined SCAG this year and while the at-large member of OCCOG is not a member of the SCAG Regional Council, that individual is traditionally the city’s delegate to the General Assembly. Councilmember Robbins has expressed interest in being appointed as the alternate member.


Councilmember Ring has asked that given his added responsibilities, Councilmember Robbins replace him as an alternate member of the Orange County Fire Board of Directors.


Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Bouer, seconded by Councilmember Ring, and carried unanimously to appoint Councilmembers to the following organizations:


  1. Milt Robbins as Laguna Woods alternate board member of the Orange County Fire Authority; and
  2. Bob Ring as Laguna Woods delegate and Milt Robbins as alternate delegate to the Southern California Association of Governments.


Councilmember Ring thanked staff and Mayor who campaigned diligently for him.




9.1 El Toro Road Pedestrian Improvements Update


City Manager Keane advised that construction for the El Toro Road Pedestrian Improvements has been delayed due to heavy rainstorms over the past few months.


Assistant City Manager Reilly provided a power point presentation showing the progress to date on the streetwork and landscaping, and discussed the remaining work and timeframe. He advised that residents could contact City Hall and request the brochure showing alternate traffic routes be mailed to them.


City Manager Keane reported she had been asked if recycled water would be used in the new landscaping. El Toro Water District has stated this is currently not possible. City Manager Keane asked the City Engineer if there would be any advantage to laying the piping now so it would be available in the future. City Engineer Nelson advised that reclaimed water pipe could be specified and staff will do that so the piping is there if recycled water becomes available.


Several Councilmembers congratulated staff on comments received from residents who advised that while there are some tie ups during the construction they are glad to see what is coming.


Robert Milne, resident, questioned if there was going to be a bike lane. City Manager Keane advised there would be a striped area on the sidewalk that could be used by bicyclists.




City Attorney Biggs reported everything is fine.




12.1 El Toro Reuse Planning Authority (Councilmember Ring)


Councilmember Ring advised he was not at the meeting.


12.2  Orange County Corridor Authorities (Councilmember Robbins)


Councilmember Robbins advised he had not received an update from Councilmember Hack.

12.3  Vector Control District (Mayor Pro Tem Bouer)


Mayor Pro Tem Bouer advised there are more mosquitoes due to the recent heavy rainfall.

12.4 Library Board (Councilmember Robbins)


Councilmember Robbins advised there was no meeting.


12.5  Orange County Fire Authority (Mayor Ross)


Mayor Ross reported the OCFA’s Regional Fire Operations and Training open house was last week.


12.6  Laguna Canyon Foundation (Councilmember Ring)


Councilmember Ring provided a brief update on current projects.


12.7 Coastal Greenbelt Authority (Councilmember Ring)


Councilmember Ring advised the meeting was tomorrow.








Councilmember Ring introduced Michele Lindstrom, who will be staffing Assemblyman Devore’s Laguna Woods office.


City Manager Keane reported that next week is the City’s 6th birthday. Cake and coffee will be available for residents on Thursday, March 24 at City Hall.








The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. to an adjourned regular meeting at 2:00 p.m. on April 6, 2005 at the Laguna Woods City Hall, 24264 El Toro Road, Laguna Woods, CA 92637.







Adopted: April 20, 2005


