July 30, 2003
10:00 A.M.
Mayor Hack called the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Laguna Woods to order at 10:00 a.m.
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Bouer, McLaughlin, Ring, Hack
STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Keane; City Attorney Biggs; City Clerk Condon; Community Development Director Barr
Mayor Hack reported Councilmember Ross had recently undergone surgery and would not be present.
Mayor Hack stated the meeting was being conducted as a joint meeting with the Golden Rain Foundation of Laguna Woods Board of Directors.
Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) President Milt Robbins called his board to order and reported a quorum was present.
Mayor Hack requested GRF Secretary Cynthia Chyba to lead the Flag salute.
4.1 A. GRF Land Use Issues
Mayor Hack advised the joint meeting had been called for GRF Directors to discuss with Council general land issues. He advised specific land sales would not be discussed as discussions on specific land sales might disqualify councilmember’s from voting on issues in the future.
Mayor Hack discussed how the meeting would be conducted on the land use issues and the procedures and timing for speakers.
GRF President Milt Robbins stated several GRF board members had requested addressing Council on matters of land use. He discussed the GRF budget and the Board’s exploration to raise money to limit increases in the homeowner’s association monthly charge. He stated the GRF Board had determined the sale of GRF land was a revenue option.
GRF Director Richard Moos discussed concerns regarding land sales and Council’s position.
Mayor Hack stated Council could not be involved in the sale of GRF land other than discussing current zoning.
City Manager Keane discussed staff’s procedures when approached by developers, which included providing the current zoning, possible uses and procedures required to change use or zoning.
Community Development Director Barr further discussed the development project approval process.
City Attorney Julie Biggs entered the meeting at 10:20 a.m.
GRF Director Wellikson and Cynthia Chyba discussed affordable housing requirements.
Councilmember Bouer and City Manager Keane provided an explanation of the City’s affordable housing requirement for new development.
City Manager Keane discussed the development pre-application meeting. She advised that a developer could request a pre-application meeting with Council and present to Council a concept plan. Generally, such plans contain specific information about the proposed project. Council and staff can then identify any concerns about the project.
GRF Board members requested flexibility from the City. Council stated that all laws governing cities would be followed in their decisions on applications received.
Monya Warren, Elliot Nesvia, Joe Fallica, Corky Eley, Sheila Raymond and Dick Sanders expressed their concerns regarding the possible sale of GRF land.
Kam Yee, Sushi Wok, and Kirsten Andersen, Moulton Travel, expressed concerns regarding parking difficulties experienced by their customers in the Town Centre lot.
Barbara Copley and another resident discussed affordable housing.
Mayor Pro Tem Ring discussed the need for the exchange of information between the city and GRF. Residents needed to understand that the City is not involved in the sale of land; its only involvement is with use of and development on land.
City Manager Keane thanked the Golden Rain Foundation Board for allowing the City use of GRF facilities. She advised that Channel 31 is the Government Channel and GRF has requested using this channel to air community committee meetings.
GRF President Milt Robbins stated the committee members have expressed an interest in airing the committee meetings as a majority of the discussion on items are conducted at the committee level.
Council discussed the issue and asked City Attorney Biggs if this would be a problem. City Attorney Biggs saw no problem with the request, but recommended a policy be developed. Staff advised they would develop a policy. Council consensus was to allow the community to air committee meetings once a policy was developed.
C Opportunities for Co-sponsored Programs
City Manager Keane discussed several recent co-sponsored programs and requested suggestions from Council and GRF on future programs. She advised the Council Chambers are available for co-sponsored meetings. The City is interested in joint mailings with Leisure World to distribute water education items and discussed an Aliso Creek clean up for September 20 and advised information would be available shortly on the creek clean up.
Community Development Director Barr discussed the stormwater and sewer program and how issues are dealt with within the City.
GRF President Milt Robbins thanked Council and staff for the willingness and assistance in arranging the joint meeting with the Golden Rain Foundation Board of Directors and felt both sides learned something. He stated he hoped joint meetings could be held periodically.
John Dudley discussed the city housing element and penalties. Ray Swallow discussed United Laguna Hills Mutual streetlights and affordable housing.
The GRF Board adjourned their meeting at 11:35 a.m.
Moved by Councilmember Bouer, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Ring and carried unanimously (4-0) to approve Consent Calendar items 5.1 and 5.2.
5.1 El Toro Median Modification and Sidewalk
Awarded a contract to Alliance Streetworks, Inc., in the amount of $88,351, plus authorized change orders not to exceed 15% of the base amount; and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract and approve change orders, subject to approval of the contract as to form by the City Attorney. (Contract 300 03-19)
5.2 Fiscal Year 03/04 Law Enforcement Agreement
Approved an agreement with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office for Fiscal Year 2003-04 law enforcement services, and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney. (Contract 300 03-20)
Paul Geller, resident, questioned why he was unable to purchase the old light poles directly from the city’s contractor who is replacing streetlights in United Laguna Hills Mutual in Leisure World. Staff advised that Council approved the contract which required the contractor to dispose of the light poles. This did not allow the sale of the poles. Mr. Geller further questioned council. City Attorney Biggs advised this was not on the agenda and could not be discussed,
Councilmember McLaughlin congratulated Councilmember Bouer on becoming a grandpa again.
Mayor Pro Tem wished the best to Councilmember Ross in her recovery from surgery.
The City Council met in closed session to confer with legal counsel regarding one matter of litigation: Ronald Calderon Guerrero v. El Toro Water District, City of Laguna Woods et al., Superior Court Case No. 03CC-07080 pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9.
There was no reportable action.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 p.m. A Regular Meeting of the City Council will be held at 2:00 p.m. September 17, 2003 at the Laguna Woods City Hall, 24264 El Toro Road, Laguna Woods, CA 92653.
Adopted: September 17, 2003