June 16, 2004
12:30 P.M.
Mayor Ring called the Budget Workshop of the City Council of the City of Laguna Woods to order at 12:30 p.m.
Councilmember Hack led the Flag salute.
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Bouer, Hack, McLaughlin, Ross, Ring
STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Keane
4.1 Fiscal Year 2004-05 Budget
City Manager Keane presented and reviewed the proposed Fiscal Year 2004-05 budget. She advised the Fiscal Year 2004-05 base budget was prepared with budget policies in mind and briefly discussed those policies.
The current year expenditure budget is proposed at $789,515 less than current year anticipated revenue and contains a 10% reserve. City Manager Keane provided a list of special projects for Council’s consideration. The Self Insurance Reserve Fund reached its $500,000 reserve requirement in FY 2003-04 and no additional contribution was included. She further reported the Transportation and Grant funds budgets should assure that projects are completed or obligated within required timeframes. The proposed budget does not contain any new or increased taxes, and it continues the current suspension of cable television franchise fees on subscriber services.
City Manager Keane advised the FY 2004-05 General Fund revenues have been adjusted to reflect the “triple-flip’ exchange of 25% of the City’s sales tax for a like increase in property tax; proposed shift of 2/3 of the City’s vehicle license fees in exchange for a like dollar increase in property taxes; and the loss of approximately $172,000 of resulting property taxes. She reported the General Fund base budget continues current staffing levels and all critical city programs.
City Manager Keane reported the FY 2004-05 Transportation Fund budget includes the cost to maintain public rights-of-way, including traffic signals, landscaping and street lights. The budget proposal includes landscape improvements on Moulton Parkway from the western City edge to Campo Verde and initial engineering and survey work on the Moulton widening project. The Seven Year Capital Improvement Program was discussed.
City Manager Keane discussed the FY 2004-05 Grant Fund programs, such as the recycled oil program, household hazardous waste disposal, beverage container recycling, Emergency Management Performance program, Supplemental Law Enforcement funds, OCTA/Senior Mobility program and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.
Councilmember Bouer requested the City accept ownership of Calle Sonora – Gate 7 only, Calle Aragon, and Avenida Sevilla (Gate 3). Council consensus was to direct staff to put this in the budget.
City Manager Keane requested Council direction on the General Fund Supplemental Project List and the following items were approved per Council consensus:
The following items were not approved:
No comments.
Mayor Ring requested the budget meeting scheduled for June 30 be rescheduled for June 28 as he would be out of the country. Council consensus approved changing the meeting to 2:00 p.m. on June 28.
The workshop was adjourned at 2:00 p.m. Mayor Ring reported the Regular Meeting of the City Council start at 2:05 p.m.June 16, 2004 at LagunaWoodsCity Hall, 24264 El Toro Road, Laguna Woods, CA
ROZ FOX, Deputy City Clerk
Adopted: July 21, 2004